Friday, November 18, 2011


Today Reno is having a huge fire. It is located in the Caughlin Ranch area. My family and I are very worried. We have some family members that live down there so we were calling franticly to see if our family had to evacuate or not. The only thing we were watching was the news to see where the fire was moving. All we can do right now is pray and hope those firefighters take control of the wildfire. I hope that everybody is fine. About 6+ homes have been destroyed by the fire. Almost all the the schools in the district are closed or evacuated. I strongly feel the pain that the family's are facing as they see their house being destroyed. If you could just think about the children  and how scared they are. I would be in tears if a fire destroyed my house. I just ask that you pray for those people and the struggles they are going through right now. Pray.



  1. Molly I love you so much. You are wise beyond your years.
    What a wonderful caring person you are. I am so proud to call you my neice.

  2. Blog Blog Blog girly girl. I miss your blogs.
