Friday, October 7, 2011


In a month or so we will have a new family member.My aunt is giving birth to him/her. My aunt and uncle are going to be surprised on the gender,everyone is betting money on what they think it is going to be.I think it is going to be a boy. We only have two boy cousins and three girl cousins. When that baby is born I want to be around it 24/7.  I really hope it is born healthy and small. I have never really been in the hospital while a baby was being born. My aunt says I will get to be in the hospital when she gives birth. I am excited that I will be the babysitter for this baby because I will take care of it like it was my own. I will be waiting patiently in the waiting room, I love every single baby in the world!. Please pray that it is a boy! bye!


  1. We love you Molly! You are going to be the best babysitter ever!
    Sarah & Paddy

  2. You WILL be a great babysitter! Ps- I think boy too!!
